Employee with paperwork at desk

Sales tax management in your restaurant POS system shouldn’t give you a headache. Yet even with powerful platforms like Lightspeed Restaurant, it’s possible to encounter challenges with their sales tax calculations and reporting. Let’s explore common issues and their solutions to keep your restaurant running smoothly.

Understanding your Lightspeed tax settings

Before diving into specific issues, it’s important to understand how Lightspeed Restaurant handles tax calculations. The system allows you to configure multiple tax rates and rules, making it flexible enough to handle various scenarios — from simple single-rate situations to complex tax structures for different types of items or services.

Common issue #1: Incorrect tax calculations

One of the most frequent challenges restaurant operators face is incorrect tax calculations. This often stems from improper configuration in your tax settings.


First, verify your base tax rates are entered correctly in your Lightspeed back office. Navigate to Settings > Taxes and confirm each rate matches your local requirements. Remember that tax rates can vary by:

  • Food vs. alcohol
  • Dine-in vs. takeout
  • Special local district taxes
  • Temporary tax changes

If you notice discrepancies, document the incorrect calculations before making any changes. This helps with both troubleshooting and potential future audits.

Common issue #2: Tax reports not matching daily sales

When your tax reports don’t align with your daily sales figures, it can cause serious accounting stress and compliance concerns.


Start by running a detailed sales report for the period in question. Compare this with your tax collection report and look for:

  • Voided transactions and their tax treatment
  • Discounts and how they affect tax calculations
  • Split payments and their tax allocation
  • Tax-exempt sales documentation

Often, the discrepancy is a result of the way these special cases are handled in your settings.

Common issue #3: Tax-exempt sales management

Managing tax-exempt sales properly is crucial for both customer service and compliance.


Ensure your system is properly configured to:

Create clear procedures for your staff to follow when processing tax-exempt sales, including documentation requirements.

Common issue #4: Multiple-location tax management

For restaurants with multiple locations, managing different tax rates and rules can become complex.


Maintain separate tax profiles for each location, ensuring:

  • Correct local tax rates are applied
  • Location-specific tax rules are properly configured
  • Reports can be generated by location
  • Tax collections are properly attributed to each venue

Common issue #5: Menu item tax classification

Incorrect tax classification of menu items is another common source of tax calculation errors.


Review your menu items and ensure:

  • Each item is assigned to the correct tax category
  • Modifiers and add-ons have proper tax settings
  • New menu items are properly classified when added
  • Seasonal items have correct tax treatment

Best practices for preventing tax issues

Conduct regular audits

Conduct monthly reviews of your tax settings and calculations to catch any issues early.

Train staff

Ensure your team understands how to:

  • Process different types of transactions
  • Handle tax-exempt sales
  • Document special tax situations
  • Generate accurate reports

Document processes

Maintain clear records of:

  • Tax-rate changes
  • System configuration updates
  • Special tax situations
  • Staff training on tax procedures

Update systems

Stay current with Lightspeed Restaurant updates, as they often include important tax calculation improvements and new features.

When to seek additional help with sales tax issues

While many sales tax issues can be resolved through proper configuration and management of your Lightspeed Restaurant system, some situations call for additional support. Complex tax scenarios, multi-jurisdiction requirements, and compliance concerns might require specialized assistance.

Streamline your sales tax management in Lightspeed Restaurant with DAVO

If you’re finding that managing sales tax in Lightspeed Restaurant is taking too much of your time or causing ongoing concerns, consider automating the process. DAVO’s sales tax automation solution integrates seamlessly with Lightspeed Restaurant, handling your sales tax from calculation to filing automatically. Contact us today to learn how.